Bredonborough Into the Cellar for
Into the Cellar for morning reading…
12.44 To The Angel & Trumpet with the Minx c. 10.30 to meet Sister Nicola and the coffee-morning chums. T set off to her day’s meetings c. 11.05.
Mr. Cheese in, continuing to repair the damage at the end of the garden, and addressing various domestic arisings.
A report just in, from the Guitar Circle Representative in Italy,
this link:“Guitar Craft is an experience which brings together teacher and student on different plans
It’s a way to develop a relationship with the Guitar
It’s a way to develop a relationship with the Music
It’s a way to develop a relationship with Yourself
In Guitar Craft we also address a body of disciplines which are very much related to musical practice, as relaxing techniques, Qi Gong, and mental training for musicians.
For information about lessons and courses, including costs, contact us at …”
Apparently based in Torino, the name of the man behind this is Matteo Negrin, a local professional musician. One of the GC Team sent an enquiry to their Facebook page but the Crafty’s message was deleted from the noticeboard.
The site and Mr. Negrin have no connection to Guitar Craft and the Guitar Circle of which I am aware; neither is Mr. Negrin a pupil of mine. Anyone contacting Mr. Negrin, in anticipation of receiving a transmission of authentic Guitar Craft instruction, is warned.
21.30 The cabinet maker
Thomas Philpott visited at 15.00 to discuss continuing improvements in our home.
There seems some movement forwards in the UMG dispute.
And a small flurry in the non-industry dissension.
A call from the Sistery Person, who has arrived in England to visit friends and family.
Here, an evening computing in the Cellar.